Tuesday 8 December 2015

Health Hazards.!

These are the common snacks Adolescents commonly eat
These are the snacks which give us short time pleasure...
These are tasty but they are Hazardous to our health

Stay Away from Junk Food

Strict NO To junk Food

Which Side Are You On ?

Eat Healthy,Be Healthy full of nutrients that Makes you Active
Eat Junk,Stay Unhealthy,Full of Insubstantial materials that Makes you Ill

Healthy Food VS Unhealthy Food

Healthy Food Wins
Hip.Hip Hurray!!!

NO Junk food NO Obesity

Junk Food majorly cause obesity which prevents its consumers and young children to become active and live a healthy lifestyle
So say no to junk food and stop childhood obesity and risk of physical and mental diseases 

Why we Love Junk Food to Healthy Food?

1. They are a pleasure to our taste buds.
2. Junk food is very tastier than healthy food. 
3. Temptation plays a very important role when it comes to choosing junk food over healthy food. 
4. Another reason for junk food craving is the mood. It has been noticed that when you are overtly stressed you crave for sweet junk food like cakes, pastries, brownies or chocolates.