Tuesday 8 December 2015

Health Hazards.!

These are the common snacks Adolescents commonly eat
These are the snacks which give us short time pleasure...
These are tasty but they are Hazardous to our health

Stay Away from Junk Food

Strict NO To junk Food

Which Side Are You On ?

Eat Healthy,Be Healthy full of nutrients that Makes you Active
Eat Junk,Stay Unhealthy,Full of Insubstantial materials that Makes you Ill

Healthy Food VS Unhealthy Food

Healthy Food Wins
Hip.Hip Hurray!!!

NO Junk food NO Obesity

Junk Food majorly cause obesity which prevents its consumers and young children to become active and live a healthy lifestyle
So say no to junk food and stop childhood obesity and risk of physical and mental diseases 

Why we Love Junk Food to Healthy Food?

1. They are a pleasure to our taste buds.
2. Junk food is very tastier than healthy food. 
3. Temptation plays a very important role when it comes to choosing junk food over healthy food. 
4. Another reason for junk food craving is the mood. It has been noticed that when you are overtly stressed you crave for sweet junk food like cakes, pastries, brownies or chocolates.

Eat Healthy..Stay Happy...Forever

Avoid Junk Food .. They can make you ILL

Digestive and Cardiovascular Systems

Many fast foods and drinks are loaded with carbohydrates and, consequently, a lot of calories. Your digestive system breaks carbs down into sugar (glucose), which it then releases into your bloodstream.

Respiratory System

Obesity is associated with an increase in respiratory problems. Even without diagnosed medical conditions, obesity may cause episodes of shortness of breath or wheezing with little exertion

Central Nervous System

Eating commercial baked goods  and fast food (pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs) may be linked to depression Skin and Bones
Foods that are high in carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels, they may also trigger acne.
A study showed a higher risk of eczema (inflamed, irritated patches of skin) among children with a diet high in fast food.When you consume foods high in carbs and sugar, bacteria residing in your mouth produce acids. These acids can destroy tooth enamel, a contributing factor in dental cavities. When the enamel of your tooth is lost, it can’t be replaced. 

EatWell Plate

The eat-well plate highlights the different types of food that make up our diet, and shows the proportions we should eat them in to have a healthy, balanced diet.Eating healthy is about eating the right amount of food for your energy requirements

For a Healthy YOU!

Add Nutrition To Body..

Nutrition is basically the process absorbing, consuming and using nutrients needed for the growth of the body, maintenance and development of the life Nutrients are basically chemical substances in foods that strive to nourish the body.

Many nutrients in the body can be synthesized. Those nutrients that cannot be synthesized in the body are known as the essential nutrients that are a must to be consumed in the diet.Having the right nutrition gives you more energy, helps you stay healthy, and the new nutrition label it will be able to help you improve your consummation of nutrition. The fact label will give people the opportunity to know more exactly what they are eating and how healthy it is. The way to stay healthy according to the nutrition experts is to have a balanced diet and to be able limit the amount of food you eat. Another way they said was good for your health is eating at home instead of going out, it gives you the opportunity to eat healthier foods you otherwise wouldn’t get at a restaurant. Eating correctly and knowing what kinds of food you need and are consuming is the first step to living a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Eating + Exercise

Eating Healthy is not the only way to stay fit. Exercise and healthy eating are needed to improve us as people. Neglecting to take care of these responsibilities can harm our bodies not only physically but mentally too.  Eating healthy and working out are extremely important to me because it gives me drive, keeps me motivated, and brings me happiness.

Healthy food and regular exercise makes a person fit. It improves the focus and concentration and is considered the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. So, start living healthy, today!

Junk Food.!

Today in this fast world, the food of people is also changing its form so as to cope up with the fast growing world. In that transformation, food along with its appearance has also changed its qualitative and nutritious form. In the pace of transformation it has degraded its every aspect and trait.Majority of people in this fast world do not care about nutritive values.Rather than having healthy food they prefer to fill their stomachs with all junk and unhealthy food

Monday 7 December 2015

Healthy Eating.!

Healthy eating means consuming the right quantities of foods from all food groups in order to lead a healthy life.A good diet is a nutritional lifestyle that promotes good health. A good diet must include several food groups because one single group cannot provide everything a human needs for good health in a balanced proportion.This is called Balanced Diet.Healthy food is food considered beneficial for health in ways that go beyond a normal healthy diet required for human Nutrition.